ho processes your data?

POMARADAS Y LLAGARES DE SARIEGO, S.L. with registered address in CIMADEVILLA 8, 33003 Oviedo (Asturias)

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. refers to the products from the following wineries in the Masaveu Corporation Group:






What are your rights and where can you apply for them?

You can request to exercise your rights by sending written notification to:  Dpto. de atención de derechos de los interesados, c/ Cimadevilla 8, 33003 Oviedo (Asturias) or by sending an email to the following address 

For images taken by video surveillance systems, you can request to exercise your rights at SERCOINFO SEGURIDAD, S.L. in and POMARADAS Y LLAGARES DE SARIEGO, S.L. using the contact details outlined above. 


To access To check your data and be informed about its use.
To correct To correct data which is incomplete or incorrect.
To delete To request to delete data when it is no longer necessary, in accordance with law, consent is withdrawn or you object to its use, amongst other reasons.
To object To object to the processing of data based on personal conditions, in which case once the reasons have been examined the data will no longer be processed.
To restrict the processing To restrict the processing of the data while assessing the legal validity of the request, opposition to erasure or you wish them to be conserved, even though the winery does not need to process them in order to exercise or defend claims
To withdraw consent From that moment onwards your data will not be processed, which shall not affect the processing of data up to that time.
More information on the processing of your customer data.

For what purpose?

To manage and deliver orders placed, to proceed to invoice and bill such orders, and to keep you informed about the order status, offers, promotions and news on our wine products and the world of wine.

Why can we do so?

In order to guarantee compliance with the existing contractual relationship. On the basis of a legitimate interest of the company to inform about promotions and offers on our products in which you have previously shown interest when you became our customer, however you will have the opportunity to object each time that you receive a mailing.


Third-party data

If your details are given to third parties to indicate your delivery address, your consent shall be required.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by  MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. Details are given to the transport company to deliver the order, financial entities or payment platforms that collaborate with MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. and the Inland Revenue or Local Tax office in the event that the transaction gives way to compliance with legal tax obligations.

How long will your data be kept for?

Relevant tax and accounting data will be conserved for the established legal periods of five and six years respectively. Your contact data and client history will be conserved to send you information on our products and learn what offers you may be interested in, except if you object to the processing of your data, in which case your details will be transferred to an exclusion list to prevent you from receiving future mailings.

More information on the processing of your data as a member of the wine club.

For what purpose?

To share our passion for wine with you and invite you to form part of an exclusive group in order to send you special offers and promotions only available to our best clients, the contact details you have provided to us will be used for this purpose.

Why can we do so?

Because when you registered in our club through our website you gave us your consent to do so.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L.

How long will your data be kept for?

As long as you do not unsubscribe from the wine club. In the event that you request to unsubscribe, your data will go on to form part of an exclusion list to prevent you from receiving future publicity on our products, unless you tell us differently.

More information the processing of contact data and identification data of companies, business people and professionals.

For what purpose?

They are processed in order to keep in contact with companies, business people and professionals with whom POMARADAS Y LLAGARES DE SARIEGO S.L. collaborates with or supplies their products to, in order to identify the legal representatives of such companies in the event that a legal relationship has been established between them.

Why can we do so?

Because the relationship established with their distributors, suppliers and customers of their products determines the existence of a legitimate interest to maintain fluid contact with the company, businessperson or professional through their employees and to enable them to verify the representation capacity of their representatives in legal transactions.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. It is not shared with third parties, unless required by law.

How long will your data be kept for?

The data shall be conserved for the duration of the relationship with the Company, businessperson or professional and as for legal documents during the time that they are effective or if any liability has been derived from them and they are necessary to exercise rights or defend the company against claims.

More information on data processing for public relations purposes.

What data is processed?

Data related to name and surnames, postal and email address, and telephone numbers that appear on cards received at fairs, congresses, convention, wine tastings or arising from encounters with the media, contact through professional social networking sites such as Linkedin or obtained through advertising agencies or by attending one of our events.

For what purpose?

For sending information on vintages, events or participation in campaigns related to the world of wine.

Why can we do so?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L.

Who else has access to your data?

The commercial, administrative and promotional management carried out by MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. It is not shared with third parties, unless required by law.

How long will your data be kept for?

As long as you do not object to processing. We shall inform you about the possibility of unsubscribing from our distribution lists and how to do so in each mailing.

More information on the processing of your contact data for sending a message to our mailbox.

For what purpose?

Only your contact details are necessary in order to answer your request.

Why can we do so?

Because your request determines a legitimate interest in the Company answering you, in order to do they need to process your contact details.

Who else has access to your data?

Your details shall not be shared with third parties under any circumstances; however, in certain cases, POMARADAS Y LLAGARES DE SARIEGO S.L. will possibly send your details to the winery in their group that can provide you with the most specific information to meet your necessities.

Having said this, the Group website has all of the information on the different wineries and you can directly contact the exact company that you wish by filling out their contact form on the website.

How long will your data be kept for?

Your data will be deleted once your inquiry has been met unless another type of relationship or interest arises for which purpose they must be kept.

More information on the processing of images taken by video surveillance systems.

For what purpose?

The processing of images from video surveillance systems is carried out for security purposes.

Why can we do so?

The processing of images for video surveillance purposes is based on the legitimate interest of POMARADAS Y LLAGARES DE SARIEGO, S.L. to protect their infrastructure and facilities, and to guarantee the safety of their employees and all others who enter their facilities.

Who else has access to your data?

The video surveillance and security service is provided by the private security company SERCOINFO SEGURIDAD, S.L. which has access to your data on the account of POMARADAS Y LLAGARES DE SARIEGO, S.L..

The images may be provided upon previous request to Law Enforcement Authorities or judges and courts in the course of investigations or proceedings or when required to exercise or protect Company rights or those of third parties.

How long will your data be kept for?

Your data will be deleted for a maximum period of one month after its recording, with the exception of those images that must be kept during the course of an investigation if they are deemed necessary until the outcome or the accountability of such recorded activities has been identified.